This is to inform all that PHA Senior Vice Chairman, Mr. Jehan Zeb, who is also General Manager, Hotel Mehran Karachi has resigned from both positions due to his health issues and to move back to his home town. Pakistan Hotels Association in recognition of his great services and cooperation at all times, arranged a farewell get together at Karachi Marriott Hotel on November 14, 2018, attended by PHA Executive Committee and members. Mr. Jehan Zeb is also a former Chairman of PHA in the year 2011 and has been Executive Committee Member many times with his valuable participation and regular attendance at Association meetings. Mr. Mustansir Zakir, Chairman PHA and Mr. Zubair Surti, former Chairman presented him bouquet and gifts and Mr. Mansoor Akbar Ali updated members about his career and achievements with hotel industry. We wish him all the best and pray for his health and prosperity. Aameen
Pakistan Hotels Association